My week-end with E.V.E

I spent part of my week-end finishing the voice recognition sub-system, tweaking E.V.E’s UX and cleaning up E.V.E / A.D.A.M code. Let’s see how it went ! E.V.E loves snakes …

E.V.E is witty

Yesterday, I tested a tiny USB microphone for E.V.E, and managed to recognized the recorded sentence with the help of the platform (even though the quality of the microphone …

E.V.E is all ears

Now that enough progress has been made on E.V.E touch-enabled interface, and since we added a websocket-enabled general purpose middleware (A.D.A.M) to handle local hardware and proxy HTTP requests, we can now tackle voice …

E.V.E meets A.D.A.M

In the previous post, we quickly reverse-engineered an Orange LiveBox Play set-top box and how it can be easily driven by simple HTTP requests. Be before implementing an interface between …

E.V.E sips Orange juice

Since I’m still waiting for all the audio components I ordered for E.V.E’s voice recognition functionality, let’s try in the meantime to interface E.V.E with a first home device. The very …